Casey Heynes — Zangief Kid

Posted: March 22, 2011 in March 2011

Oh what a glorious day March 14th was for victims of bullying! Despite posting this just now and seeing the video a day ago, the support and clamor for victim Casey Heynes has done nothing but grow by leaps and bounds since the incident. Just to quickly summarize — Casey Heynes, age 15/16 now, had been subjected to bullying and ridicule his whole life for his stature, among other things. The bully who pushed him too far, Richard Gale, apparently had been causing Casey grief for several weeks prior to the incident. After being confronted by Richard and his little posse, armed with a video camera, Casey found himself pinned to a wall as I and many others have experienced. He took a direct blow to the face without provocation, deflected several attacks, and received two or three hits to the stomach, before snapping. Casey charged into Richard, grappled him, and made Youtube history with a beautiful display of self-defense in the form of a reality-inducing bodyslam. Sheer primal bliss.

Besides the obvious and always-welcome parodies + tribute videos, one groan-inducing video has been vying for equal attention; Richard’s version of the story. While its always important to hear the story from every angle, I can tell you that this story reeks of lies and a desperate plea for undeserved pity. Richard claims that he himself has been subjected to bullying, without mentioning any particular examples or instances. He then makes the bizarre claim that Casey had bullied him first, in the form of teasing. How odd. He also claimed that Casey had made him angry with words on that fateful day, and that he was simply unleashing an alleged hidden rage after “years of being bullied himself”. What makes me doubt every shred of this pity-video is not only Richard’s perplexing facial expressions that indicate he could be lying, but that his testimony does not make sense at all.

How could Casey be the bully and possibly have started the incident, when:

1) Richard is the one who brought along a group of friends to surround him
2) Richard had a friend bring a camera to record this obviously pre-meditated incident
3) Weeks prior, Richard had started teasing Casey calling him “fat” among other things
4) Richard threw the first punch directly to the face, then continued his punching-spree

Its all quite simple: Richard had gone from being the victim of bullying, to becoming one, and gained experience as one anywhere from 1 to several years. This is evident in his cocky demeanor; his audacity to attack a much larger opponent as well as his overtly confident boxer-esque footplay.

The bottom line?
Casey handled this beautifully. He retaliated out of self-defense, stepped away after slamming his aggressor down, and did so without crippling the immature bully.

Despite what alleged experts might say, don’t let them fool you. Walking away and telling adults does -Not- work in school, nor hardly anywhere else. This “walk away, tell a teacher or tell the principal (who is often times busy with his own problems or away from the building” babble is the very catalyst of these bullying problems. Ever since societies have attempted to be more “civilized”, bullying has gotten increasingly WORSE and the number of victims grows every year. Without proper parenting over the bullies, and without any fear of repercussion or self-defense from their victims, bullies enjoy a sense of power and control; not just over their own lives, but the lives of others.
Teaching to fight out of pure self-defense is what helps keep bullying and power-struggles in check. It keeps bullies from getting too big for their britches and shows them that the real world has dire consequences for one’s actions. It is a harsh blow from reality, but one needed in lieu of proper parenting.

Like so many others, I do not condone violence in schools. I do however, condone stylish self-defense. :3

Happy Birfday To Meh!!! :3

Posted: March 16, 2011 in March 2011


I turneded 22 yesterday, and despite living in the ghetto, I had nothing but positive energy and a fantastic day 😛

I got 1 box of Jelly Krimpets; 1 box of Butterscotch Krimpets; 2 boxes of Kandy Kakes; and 1 box of Iced Fudge Cookie Bars, from my friend Jan back in Jersey. Amazingly, UPS didn’t play soccer with the box for once!
I got 1 t-shirt and 2 flannel t-shirts from my Uncle Dave, who was visiting and taking a much-needed vacation from his b*tch of a wife.
I got $25 and a card from my grandparents in addition to dinner.
I got a 6-pack of Smirnoff Ice Green Apple bite from my aunt + uncle.

And the best damn cake I ever had in my life. Mmmmmmint Chip™ cake by the Cold Stone Creamery.

“Layers of moist devil’s food cake, mint ice cream, & chocolate shavings wrapped in a fluffy white frosting.”

Allow me to make corrections to their description.

“Layers of the most amazingly soft, moist, non-satanic devil’s food cake; luscious light-green, smooth, mint ice cream; and milky chocolate shavings all wrapped in a fluffy white angelic frosting, paved to perfection.”

It was, without exaggeration or doubt, the most delicious cake I had ever had in my 22 years of existence. :3

And I have two gifts on the way in the mail.


A Pixxo ML-G235U mouse



Logitech LS21 Multimedia Speaker System

Yeah I feel pretty damn spoiled right now, especially compared to Christmas. I’m also not typing as well as I usually do thanks to one of my birthday presents, or rather several of it. Lullll XD

So ever since I was 15 I always had this idea for an epic sandbox-style game featuring, wait for it… Mewtwo. 😛
For obvious reasons I know this would never come to fruition, but it never hurts to daydream, right?

Well, the basic gist is that you switch between  the iconic psychic Pokemon Mewtwo and your own custom-edited Team Rocket member. While Mewtwo’s story is more linear and set in stone, you have much more leeway with your Rocket character. I would choose to make it this way because Mewtwo already has an established personality and I feel it would be a good way to add some variety to the game. Players could feel enjoy two separate experiences in one game; being an uber-powerful Mewtwo with a knack for destruction and a clear goal, v.s. an always-learning, always changing Team Rocket character being shaped by the player.

The best way to imagine how it would turn out is a combination of a choice-based system similar to those of Mass Effect and Fallout, blended together with a sandbox style world greater than anything seen with the likes of Infamous or Prototype or Red Dead Redemption. Mewtwo’s side of the story leans heavily in the sandbox-style’s favor, whereas the gameplay of your Rocket character is more choice-based.

Mewtwo’s story entails himself being targeted by Giovanni while trying to enjoy a life of solitude with his fellow Pokeclones. The opening cinematic starts out with a pan around a remote island where Mewtwo, Mew, and the clones seen in the movies, are generally frolicking out in the mid-day sun. We then come across Mewtwo thinking to himself, showing several flashbacks of his encounter with Giovanni and the intense psychic-focusing training sessions. With keen foresight and extra-sensory abilities, Mewtwo looks out to the ocean as a group of silhouettes dart quickly under the water, heading straight for the island. Mewtwo uses his telekinetic powers to levitate and make a dash towards the group of Pokeclones nearest the shoreline. The first of the silhouettes emerges out of the water, revealing an amphibious type mech. With two mounted gatling guns, the mech spins them up and targets a clone Meowth. Just as the spray of bullets leave the guns, the whole scene slows down as Mewtwo arrives not a moment too late. The bullets deflect off of the blue psionic barrier around the Meowth, while Mewtwo himself flies straight through the mech, leaving a large hole through its center. Then, just when Mewtwo prepares to take on the other incoming mechs, he hears the beeping of a timer. The damaged mech self-destructs in a  blaze of glory, taking out a house’s worth of area along with it. With so little time to react, Mewtwo is only able to shield himself and the lone Meowth from the blast. To his horror, several nearby Pokeclones were unable to escape in time. Several charred remains lay buried in the sandpit left behind from the explosion.

From horror to sheer rage, Mewtwo’s usual aura glows an ominous red along with his eyes. The heightened emotions trigger an overflow in his psychic powers, as shown in his ability to stop the scattered group of mechs in their place, each of them having just emerged from the water. With strained movements, Mewtwo brings his arms together, causing all of the mechs to float together toward a single point. The Rocket Pilots inside of them scream and panic as they try to eject and regain control of their machines. Joining all of the mechs together in a Katamari-esque ball, Mewtwo then raises his arms up, causing the large compact pile of damaged mechas to float up high out of range. Lowering one arm and focusing a paw-like hand at the heap in the sky, Mewtwo pinches his three fingers together. The giant ball crumples in on itself and blood drips out of the many mangled mecha parts. The heap compacts tighter and tighter before it starts to glow a bright red. With a flick of the wrist, Mewtwo sends the super-heated ball out into the ocean, exploding the moment it touches the water. The massive spherical blast displaces a city-block’s worth of water, the explosion large and bright enough to be seen from space.


That’s just the tip of the iceberg there, this game would be quite brutal at times, though reasonably justified at being so.
=More to be added later=


The Graphically-violent Neko,


Fun With QR Codes! :3

Posted: March 2, 2011 in March 2011

Hello gracious audience, I’d like to share a rather commonly used (in some parts of the world) but surprisingly little-known type of ‘barcode’ with you.

An example QR/'2D' code
Behold! The QR code! (Also known as a 2D barcode)

These little buggers are quite useful and have a certain aesthetic appeal to them.
What are they for? Well, you can read up on them here at Wikipedia, or you can have my half-arsed attempt at an explanation as seen below :3

A QR code is a type of barcode that holds encoded text, originally created to be read by barcode readers and mobile devices. They are most often used in order to provide URLs/hyperlinks to websites when scanned by users with mobile devices.

Several websites enable you to make your own QR codes that can then be scanned or run through a decoder site.

For making your own QR codes you can visit:
Kaywa (I’ve found this one to be the most robust)
Qurify! (Good for a quick and easy job)

For decoding QR codes you can visit:
ZXing (contains a list of programs/apps for mobile devices)

Once you’ve gotten a basic understanding and a means of decoding QR codes, try some of these out :3







The Easily-amused Neko,

So my dad decided to get a cheap hunting rifle today, as we’ve been having problems with squirrels and a few wild dogs. How cheap, you may ask? Good old Wally World cheap.

The two fellas behind the counter were pretty knowledgeable about their firearms, which comes as no surprise seeing as how I live along the Bible Belt, and were quick to recommend the bolt-action Savage Mark II-F.

This little puppy fires .22 rounds which is just enough to take out small critters with a single shot; or if you’re looking for self-defense purposes you could disable an arm and a leg. –Obligatory “follow your local safety and firearm laws, I do not condone violence or using firearms outside of their intended use” goes here —

It’s got some nice weight to it and the bolt assembly glides as easy as butter. If you’re uncomfortable with firearms or are looking to teach your kid how to use one, I recommend asking several firearms experts to help you there. 😛
Seriously though,  this neat little rifle will work just fine for beginners and for people who are a bit antsy around firearms. This particular model came with an obligatory gun-lock and pair of ear plugs; the latter just in case you wind up scaring the shyit out of yourself when you fire your first .22 round.

I’ll be adding more later after I test this baby out on pesky critters, as opposed to my old childhood action-figures and cans of Diet Pepsi. ‘Till next we meet, gracious audience. :3

The Amateur Gun-enthusiast Neko,

Poll time! -Toygers-

Posted: March 2, 2011 in March 2011


I just figured I’d ask you, my gracious audience, rather than making a boring lengthy post explaining what one is.

Also, here is a visual aid for those too lazy to use Google. 😛














The Amateur Poll-creating Neko,

Hello world!

Posted: March 2, 2011 in March 2011

Hello world indeed! Just as programmers (usually) begin their journey with those two legendary words, I shall too!

This is my first real attempt at maintaining a blog as several factors have always kept me on the spectator’s side of the internet. For one thing, I have plenty of days where I go throughout my daily routine without so much as a noteworthy event or spark of imagination.  To further the issue, most other blog sites either cost money or are littered with undesirable advertisements. From what I have seen here, the advertisements seem to be text-based and rather unobtrusive.

The biggest deciding factor on whether or not my blog will make any real headway will always be time management. I have a generally inconsistent schedule and very little motivation to put everything on hold in order to speak my mind on a dime-a-dozen blog post. Regardless, I’ve decided to dabble with this rather popular time-killer with the hope that one day I will be able to develop a knack for it.

In the meantime I will be acclimating myself with WordPress’s quirks and inner workings, so that if I think up anything worth typing for you, my gracious audience, that it would be aesthetically appealing at the very least. :3

The Amateur-bloggist Neko,